Watch the trailer for a sneak peek of the new vehicles/weapons/factions – and read the latest OPREP for more info: /Df0BCe7jqd Vertexmacht is proud to announce the upcoming free 1.1 Content Update for the #Arma3 Creator DLC: Global Mobilization – Cold War Germany. Focusing on the conflict between the two Germanies in the 1980s (yes, it was that recent), players can opt to fight for the East or West German armies, with Denmark also a viable faction (with a smaller force). The most recent addition to their DLC offerings is Global Mobilization – Cold War Germany, and it has admittedly taken some lumps from the community since its release. With a wealth of DLC that ranges from new maps, to jets and tanks, developers Bohemia Interactive continue to increase the various toys for gamers to play with and offer modding tools as well to encourage community content. Arma 3 stays at the forefront of military simulation, with bafflingly realistic ballistics, true-to-life load-outs and equipment, and a horrifyingly realistic take on what combat actually feels like to experience.